Arjun Yadav


My name is Arjun Yadav, my interests lie in effective altruism, computer science (more specifically in web development, machine learning and AI safety) and writing on my blog (click here to subscribe).

In addition, I love running, drumming (and music in general) and poetry! Feel free to email me or schedule time to chat with me.


Some of the projects I've worked on in my life that I'm particularly proud of are (in reverse-chronological order):

My Donations

These are all my donations to effective charities, guided by GiveWell.

Date Amount Charity
09/06/2024 13.61 USD Helen Keller International
09/06/2024 13.61 USD Against Malaria Foundation
09/01/2022 13.61 USD GiveDirectly
09/01/2022 13.61 USD Against Malaria Foundation
Website Statistics

This map showcases countries that have contributed to the overall web traffic for between Apr 18, 2022-May 18, 2022. Data from CloudFlare, map created with gallpeters.